The GHA welcomes individuals and business who would like to contribute to the GHA mission: to focus on charitable and educational activities that support the preservation of the history and culture of the community of Guinea.
You can designate where you would like your gift to be used:
- The GHA General Operating Fund.
- The Guinea Jubilee
- Buck’s Store Museum.
- Scholarships
- In Memory or Honor of someone
- Other
If you prefer to mail a check. Please send your check donation to:
Guinea Heritage Association, Treasurer
PO Box 411
Bena, VA 23018
Our mission relies on volunteers. If you enjoy working with people and have an interest in preserving the Guinea history and culture, please contact us by stopping by Buck’s Store Museum on Saturdays between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM or by emailing us at
You can volunteer by helping at the museum on Saturdays or helping at our events – Wonders of the Water, Heritage Day, Guinea Jubilee, Christmas in Guinea, or any of the Fourth Friday programs.
GHA sponsorship levels are available throughout the year:
Guinea Circle Club – $5,000 +
Deadrise Club – $3,000 – $4,999
Hayes Plaza Club – $1,000 – $2,999
White Boots Club – $500 – $999
Guinea Marsh Club – $250 – $499
Friends of Guinea – Up to $250
Buck’s Store Museum Founding Sponsors (Partial List)
Ace Hardware
Billy Wayne Hogge
Brown’s Well Drilling
Civic Organizations
Fary Brothers
Individuals & Families
Jim Gunn
L.T. Wells
Premiere Heating – Mark West
Sherwin Williams
The Abingdon Ruritan Club and volunteers